Baby Armenian boy names

List of Armenian boy baby names with meanings. Baby Armenian boy names and more online! Choosing Names for Baby Boys. Unique, cool, unusual, top, boy names with meanings. Get thousands of baby boy names in easy to read lists. This site features origins, meanings, and statistical information for popular and unusual baby boys names. Information and advice when choosing. Armenian boy names an extensive and comprehensive list with their meaning


The baby name Eznik is a boy name. The name Eznik comes from the Armenian origin. In English the meaning of the name Eznik is: name of a fifth-century philosopher Information:Name: EznikMeaning of name: name of a ... Read more


The baby name Garabed is a boy name. The name Garabed comes from the Armenian origin. In English the meaning of the name Garabed is: forerunner Information:Name: GarabedMeaning of name: forerunner Gender: Male / ... Read more


The name Ghoukas is a boy name. The name Ghoukas comes from Armenian origin. The meaning of the name Ghoukas is: Armenian form of Luke (light) About:Name: GhoukasName meaning: Armenian form of Luke (light) Gender: Male ... Read more


The boy baby name Hagop. The name Hagop comes from Armenian. Meaning of the name Hagop is: Armenian form of James (supplants) Info:Name: HagopMeaning: Armenian form of James (supplants) Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / ... Read more


The baby name Haig is a boy name. The name Haig comes from the Armenian origin. In English the meaning of the name Haig is: from the hedged field Information:Name: HaigMeaning of name: from the hedged field Gender: Male ... Read more


The baby name Haroutyoun is a boy name. The name Haroutyoun comes from the Armenian origin. In English the meaning of the name Haroutyoun is: resurrection Information:Name: HaroutyounMeaning of name: resurrection ... Read more


The name Hovsep is a boy name. The name Hovsep comes from Armenian origin. The meaning of the name Hovsep is: Armenian form of Joseph (He adds) About:Name: HovsepName meaning: Armenian form of Joseph (He adds) Gender: ... Read more


The baby name Hovan is a boy name. The name Hovan comes from the Armenian origin. In English the meaning of the name Hovan is: God's gift Information:Name: HovanMeaning of name: God's gift Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy ... Read more


The boy baby name Izmirlian. The name Izmirlian comes from Armenian. Meaning of the name Izmirlian is: from Izmir Info:Name: IzmirlianMeaning: from Izmir Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysName origin: ... Read more


The baby name Jirair is a boy name. The name Jirair comes from the Armenian origin. In English the meaning of the name Jirair is: hard-working Information:Name: JirairMeaning of name: hard-working Gender: Male / ... Read more