Baby boy names meaning sheep

Baby boy names meaning sheep. All you need to know about baby boy names. Choosing Names for Baby Boys. Unique, cool, unusual, top, boy names with meanings.


The boy baby name Shipley. The name Shipley comes from English. Meaning of the name Shipley is: from the sheep meadow Info:Name: ShipleyMeaning: from the sheep meadow Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysName origin: ... Read more


The name Shipley is a boy name. The name Shipley comes from English origin. The meaning of the name Shipley is: From the sheep meadowAbout:Name: ShipleyName meaning: From the sheep meadowGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / ... Read more


The baby name Skipton is a boy name. The name Skipton comes from the English origin. In English the meaning of the name Skipton is: from the sheep estate Information:Name: SkiptonMeaning of name: from the sheep estate ... Read more


The baby name Skipton is a boy name. The name Skipton comes from the English origin. In English the meaning of the name Skipton is: From the sheep estateInformation:Name: SkiptonMeaning of name: From the sheep ... Read more


The boy baby name Weatherly. The name Weatherly comes from English. Meaning of the name Weatherly is: From the wether sheep meadowInfo:Name: WeatherlyMeaning: From the wether sheep meadowGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / ... Read more


The baby name Weatherby is a boy name. The name Weatherby comes from the English origin. In English the meaning of the name Weatherby is: From the wether sheep farmInformation:Name: WeatherbyMeaning of name: From the ... Read more


The baby name Wetherly is a boy name. The name Wetherly comes from the English origin. In English the meaning of the name Wetherly is: From the wether sheep meadowInformation:Name: WetherlyMeaning of name: From the ... Read more


The baby name Wetherby is a boy name. The name Wetherby comes from the English origin. In English the meaning of the name Wetherby is: From the wether sheep farmInformation:Name: WetherbyMeaning of name: From the wether ... Read more


The name Wethrleah is a boy name. The name Wethrleah comes from English origin. The meaning of the name Wethrleah is: From the wether sheep meadowAbout:Name: WethrleahName meaning: From the wether sheep meadowGender: ... Read more


The baby name Wethrby is a boy name. The name Wethrby comes from the English origin. In English the meaning of the name Wethrby is: From the wether sheep farmInformation:Name: WethrbyMeaning of name: From the wether ... Read more