Baby boy names meaning cottage

Baby boy names meaning cottage. All you need to know about baby boy names. Choosing Names for Baby Boys. Unique, cool, unusual, top, boy names with meanings.


The boy baby name Prescot. The name Prescot comes from English. Meaning of the name Prescot is: Priest's cottage. Surname.Info:Name: PrescotMeaning: Priest's cottage. Surname.Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysName ... Read more


The name Walcott is a boy name. The name Walcott comes from English origin. The meaning of the name Walcott is: Lives in the Welshman's cottageAbout:Name: WalcottName meaning: Lives in the Welshman's cottageGender: Male ... Read more


The baby name Walcot is a boy name. The name Walcot comes from the English origin. In English the meaning of the name Walcot is: lives in the Welshman's cottage Information:Name: WalcotMeaning of name: lives in the ... Read more


The baby name Walcot is a boy name. The name Walcot comes from the English origin. In English the meaning of the name Walcot is: Lives in the Welshman's cottageInformation:Name: WalcotMeaning of name: Lives in the ... Read more


The boy baby name Weallcot. The name Weallcot comes from English. Meaning of the name Weallcot is: Lives in the Welshman's cottageInfo:Name: WeallcotMeaning: Lives in the Welshman's cottageGender: Male / Masculine / Boy ... Read more


The baby name Westcott is a boy name. The name Westcott comes from the English origin. In English the meaning of the name Westcott is: from the west cottage Information:Name: WestcottMeaning of name: from the west ... Read more


The baby name Westcott is a boy name. The name Westcott comes from the English origin. In English the meaning of the name Westcott is: From the west cottageInformation:Name: WestcottMeaning of name: From the west ... Read more


The name Westcot is a boy name. The name Westcot comes from English origin. The meaning of the name Westcot is: From the west cottageAbout:Name: WestcotName meaning: From the west cottageGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / ... Read more


The name Wolfcot is a boy name. The name Wolfcot comes from English origin. The meaning of the name Wolfcot is: Lives in Wolfe's cottageAbout:Name: WolfcotName meaning: Lives in Wolfe's cottageGender: Male / Masculine / ... Read more


The baby name Wolcott is a boy name. The name Wolcott comes from the English origin. In English the meaning of the name Wolcott is: lives in Wolfe's cottage Information:Name: WolcottMeaning of name: lives in Wolfe's ... Read more